Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today, I feel...

...kind of vulnerable and strangely askew. I attribute it to taking my car to the mechanic because the brakes squeal sometimes and there's a rattling thing going on...the estimate is quite high, and while I have taken care of cars and that sort of thing for a while now, I am tempted today to pout and wish I didn't have to worry about such things. I don't want to make this decision. I wish there was someone else (husband on this earth) who could just 'handle' it. O.k., I guess I am pouting.
It sounds silly to me seeing it written out.

I feel tired.

I don't want to do it by myself anymore.

I just don't.

I'd like to be a bit more positive, but tonight, I think I will just let myself feel it. I feel tired. I feel lonely. I feel alone.

I long for my little "bird" to join me in my nest.

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