Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've been thinking a bit about 'order'. How it feels good when it's serving my life...instead of me serving it. Largely, I find comfort in order, especially when it helps me enjoy life more. Here are a few definitions I looked up in the dictionary today:

or·der, \ˈr-dər\ 1: The state of peace, freedom from confused or unruly behavior, and respect for law or proper authority; a specific rule, regulation, or authoritative direction; 2: State or condition especially with regard to functioning or repair; a proper, orderly, or functioning condition; 3: To put in order

These thoughts led me here:

1 : produced to supply a special or an individual demand ; 2 : ideally suited (as to a particular purpose)

Then here:

: a state of tranquillity or quiet b: a state of security or order 2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 3: harmony in personal relations


pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts; internal calm

and here...

con·gru·ous: \ˈkäŋ-grü-əs\:adjective
1 a
: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence 2: marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elements

Somehow these words are weaving their way through my life now. They're delicious words to me and I am learning how to appreciate the simple, the small, the 'every-day' stuff of life. It's also very courageous and noble to call these words your companions.

What are your favorite words today?

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