Isn't this beautiful? I want to go there!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In a lot of places, autumn is showing its brilliant colors and tastes and smells. It's still a few weeks away for us in north Florida...and I am longing for its gentle embrace. I love pumpkins and chilly nights and candy corn and fires in the fireplace and apples and brilliant orange. As we say good-bye to September, I joyfully post a picture to whisper to autumn - "I'm ready to get acquainted with you again this year...come, stay awhile with me."
What's your favorite thing about the fall?
Monday, September 29, 2008
I'm off...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Beautiful night

Wrapping up another weekend. It's been good, with the perfect mix of time alone in my home and being with my family and friends. I'm just saying to any who ever read this - it's a good day. I made an apple pie today from scratch. It brought me a lot of joy to do that. The neighbor I mentioned earlier is freaking me out - and I'm going to have to use my words and tell him I will not go out with him. Don't even ask. It's just not my cup of tea. So I won't drink it.
I saw my friend from first grade today. She is in town and came over to see my house with her 5 year-old daughter. It's always so good to share time with her. That made it a good day, too.
Here's sending out much light and warm blessings to you all...sleep well, dear hearts. Sleep well.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Right to my door...

I've said it a lot, thought it many more times. "He's going to have to come to my door..." Dating isn't my thing. Knowing I'll be married and have babies - yeah, that's my thing. How we will meet, get together, etc.? He'll find me. I'll find him. This is how I think.
Well, a man knocked on my door this week.
How about that? And not to sell me steak or magazines or a political candidate. He saw me in my yard - he lives down the street - and wanted to talk to me. So, with his name written on a scrap of paper, along with his phone number and e-mail address, he knocked on my door. He seemed a little nervous...talked fast. Maybe he talks fast all the time. Anyhow, he was endearing. Suggested that we might go to Starbuck's and get a cup of coffee. I told him I'd like that.
I hope we go get some 'joe.
No matter what, I have the very delicious experience of a man coming to my door to ask me on a date. It happens. To me. It happens. I'm not crazy!
Thank you for the gift of a glimpse. Of a bit of magic. Of tending my garden and seeing beauty grow. My inside garden and my outside garden. Thank you, Creator of Me. Creator of All That Is.
Loving you tonight. Your affection is over the top. Your gestures are noted and received and embraced and celebrated. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your delicious, dizzying and delightful, wirly-twirly love.

Monday, September 22, 2008
A bit of my heart...
I found out today about a couple I know - that is no longer a couple. I was at their small wedding. It was at their home and it was near Christmas. It was beautiful. She was 40. She was so happy.
They are now divorced.
I feel sad and mourn their lost love.
What course of events led to this? What happened to unravel their beautiful tapestry of wedded bliss? How does this occur?
It's not only this couple, but several in the last few months. About 6 couples that I know are divorced or in the process...or want to, but aren't able to 'go there' yet. It breaks this girl's heart. I can only imagine their respective pains, their frayed hearts. Their shared memories...was it worth it to them? For however long each couple has been together - was it worth it? Was it wonderful? Was it a 'waste' in their minds...something they wish had never been embarked upon - or was the love they shared worth it?
I hope so.
To all my newly single peeps - sending you much love and comfort and wholeness tonight. Somehow I know that being married isn't the 'answer'. Being single isn't the 'answer'. What is the answer??? Tonight, I'm not even sure what the question is, but I know that I long to go deep to discover the mysterious YES that my heart beats to find. I intend to dive into the unending pool of divine union, holy connection and mind-blowing love.
I'm a single woman at present. I went to a product party the other night. The kind where you sit in a circle with a bunch of other women, most of whom you don't know - and listen to someone sell you stuff. They can be fun, but this one - not so much. Anyway, the product was up my alley - rub-on words for your walls... O.k. - all of that about the party is really beside the point - the point is this. I decided to purchase a quote for my bedroom. It's intended for a married couple's bedroom. But, I feel married. I feel like that's me, too. Right now. In. This. Place. Where. I. Live.
So, I purchased the quote" Your LOVE is my light, SUN of all my mornings, FIRE of all my nights"...if that isn't appropriate for this divine dance, I don't know what is. I celebrate my married-ness while being a single woman. I say that it's for me, too. Whether or not I'm always a single girl on the outside, I will forever be a married woman on the inside. I say it now, in my little cottage - my land is called "BEULAH". I stand in the place where I the place that is un-divorce-able...and STAND.
Blessings and life and love and light abundant to you all - especially who are hurting or are newly 'single'. May you always be married in your own self.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Your Love

Your Love is my light, Sun of all my mornings, Fire of all my nights...
I am enamored with my divine husband, my lover, my ever-faithful companion. There is beauty in your every word, laughter in the wind, amazement in every touch. I long for and crave union with You...Master of the Seas, Abundant One, Beautiful, Creator of All That Is, Giver of Life, Celebrator of Dreams, Co-conspirator in Bring Me Joy!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just wondering
I ought to be in bed, soothing my way into delicious slumber. Instead, I am wondering. About a person I've remembered. Wondering if I should call him. Wondering if it's the right listing in the phone book. Wondering if he'd think I'm weird. Wondering if he's married - has a girlfriend, etc. That might be kind of weird. We didn't date or anything, but still. Could be weird. Wondering about relationships and connections. How do you really know when it's time to let them go? When are they worth reviving? Wondering. I think a little wonder - mysterious and unknown - is good for the soul. In my rather peaceful and simple season, a little wonder goes a long way.
I just wonder...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Secret Dream...

I have a secret dream of living in a rural farm house with a large porch on a lot of to breathe. I would make chicken pot pie from scratch and raise children with my husband. The biggest banner over us is "PEACE" - right next to the "HAPPY" banner. This is such a divine exquisite and sacred to me. I post this as a way to express this deep desire to the universe - and say - here - this is a delicious desire in me....

A little snapshot of things that interest me right now. Prison Break Season 4, Blueberry pancakes (anything blueberry), Brad Meltzer's latest book, "Book of Lies", Prince Edward Island, shih tzu's (one in particular), libraries, true blue, gardens, a Scottish honeymoon, Mr., Amy's pizza, Keith Urban.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I am grateful for a heart that has desires...even on days when it seems that my dreams are a vast, dry desert. Being able to dream, to hope, to long for, to desire is a beautiful gift. I choose to embrace the gift of desire today. I hurl my longings out into the wild and amazing universe and say, "Here it is...I wait and I anticipate and I am looking forward to these whirly, swirly, kick-butt dreams to be my very own true-blue life."
La dolce vita!

I've been thinking a bit about 'order'. How it feels good when it's serving my life...instead of me serving it. Largely, I find comfort in order, especially when it helps me enjoy life more. Here are a few definitions I looked up in the dictionary today:
or·der, \ˈȯr-dər\ 1: The state of peace, freedom from confused or unruly behavior, and respect for law or proper authority; a specific rule, regulation, or authoritative direction; 2: State or condition especially with regard to functioning or repair; a proper, orderly, or functioning condition; 3: To put in order
These thoughts led me here:
1 : produced to supply a special or an individual demand ; 2 : ideally suited (as to a particular purpose)
Then here:
1: a state of tranquillity or quiet b: a state of security or order 2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 3: harmony in personal relations
1: a state of tranquillity or quiet b: a state of security or order 2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 3: harmony in personal relations
pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts; internal calm
and here...
and here...
con·gru·ous: \ˈkäŋ-grü-əs\:adjective
1 a: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence 2: marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elements
Somehow these words are weaving their way through my life now. They're delicious words to me and I am learning how to appreciate the simple, the small, the 'every-day' stuff of life. It's also very courageous and noble to call these words your companions.
What are your favorite words today?
1 a: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence 2: marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elements
Somehow these words are weaving their way through my life now. They're delicious words to me and I am learning how to appreciate the simple, the small, the 'every-day' stuff of life. It's also very courageous and noble to call these words your companions.
What are your favorite words today?
Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to my little corner of the this season of my life.
I'm a woman that desires true blue...real things, honorable things, character, courage, passion, deep loyalty and honor...all that delicious stuff. Longing for a bit of inspiration now, so I'm carving it out in this blog.
Blessings to all...
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