Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

To touch the cup with eager lips and taste, not drain it;
To woo and tempt and court a bliss - and not attain it;
To fondle and caress a joy, yet hold it lightly,
Lest it become necessity and cling too tightly;

To watch the sun set in the west without regretting;
To hail its advent in the east - the night forgetting;
To smother care in happiness - discouraging tomorrow;
To have enough to share - to know the joy of giving;

To thrill with all the sweets of LIVING.
Author Unknown

Monday, December 22, 2008

i sing you to me

For you...

My creation, originally uploaded by ahopeyoung.

As we prepare for Christmas...

My wish for you...

Is that you may know...

Love for you all your days...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fairly buzzing

the incredible Mr. Darcy - posted 'just because'

I almost want to pinch myself. I'm at my desk on a Friday afternoon, with beautiful music playing, the window up with a cool breeze blowing and getting a ton of work done. (So I treat myself by blogging!)

This has been a good week...

I have
been happy
been sad
felt beautiful
celebrated my brother's birthday
created a piece of artwork that astounds even me
listened to a friend who was having a tough morning
had blood drawn (ouch!)
received Christmas gifts and cards
eaten Christmas goodies
enjoyed sunrises and sunsets
watched the Celtic Thunder DVD twice
learned a new computer program
dreamed, hoped, wished
cried happy tears
snuggled my puppy, Georgia Blue
eaten an apple a day
decided life is good...dangerously good
Be well, sweet ones.
Be blessed...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can't help myself...

All photos courtesy of

I can't help but feel good when looking at all these sweet things...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

In the Spirit

I love the phrase "in the spirit".

Of the holiday.
Of school sports.
Of fun.

I also like it as a descriptor of
feeling goodness all around.

Of being aware of the Spirit...
Breathing into me,
Catching my breath as it leaves me...

Being in the Spirit of life.

Thank you, Mysterious One...
Dancing through my dreams
Summoning me to twirl with You...


I say Yes.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


St. Marks Lighthouse

Some pictures of a beautiful place near my home - St. Marks Wildlife Refuge. I went there with a really good friend and we had a fun time taking pictures and exploring this little piece of heaven...

Great Blue Heron


Sunday, November 30, 2008



Function: noun
1 : one attached to another by affection or esteem
2 a: one that is not hostile b: one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3: one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4: a favored companion

Thank you for my friend coming to visit today. Thank you for friends to call and visit and go to the movies with this weekend. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

thank you

thank you for my family.
for my mama.
for my brothers.
for my nephews.
for my sisters-in-law.
for my dad.
for my grandparents.
for my aunt and uncle.
for my cousins and their children.
for my friends that are like family.

i say lately that i have a small tribe.
it's kind of true.
but only in that they're not all with me in florida.
i really have a big tribe.
thank you.

thank you for my home.
for the small cozy size of it.
for the sweet colors and texture and warmth of it.
that it shelters me and georgia blue.
for the flowers and plants i love to tend.
that it's close to my mama's home.
thank you.

thank you for friends to share moments with.
for friends to visit - and who visit me.
for friends to send baby gifts to.
for friends to laugh with and reconnect with.
for friends yet discovered.
thank you.

thank you for fun.
for beautiful music.
for movies.
for books to read.
for games to play.
for leisure time.
thank you.
(what a luxury.)

thank you for dreams.
for visions and hopes and anticipation.
for planned trips and experiences.
for a wedding at goodwood plantation.
for babies to be born.
for living the reason you were born to be alive.
thank you.

thank you for material and financial blessing.
i am so blessed.
i have more than enough.
always have.
always will.
thank you.

thank you for you.
for your love.
for your goodness.
for your being.
for your breathing life into me every day.
for deciding i still get to do this dance of life.
for being my companion - all the time.
for holding me and whispering good things to me.
thank you, my sweet God, Creator, Lover...
thank you.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My cup runneth over...

So happy and full and amazed and delighted and affirmed and hopeful and blessed and inspired and encouraged...

Marinating in the goodness of a sweet and other-worldly time away from home. The Celtic Thunder concert made my heart happy - and my fingers and toes and eyelashes and hair and lips and feet and hands - All of ME! It was so incredibly ways I can't even articulate. I'm grateful for ears to hear it and eyes to see it and a heart that swells and swims in champagne when experiencing such awe-inspiring goodness on this earth!

La dolce vita! Oh, this sweet and smashingly beautiful, abundant life!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm captured... this lovely word:

Essence \e-sən(t)s\noun

1 a: the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being b: the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence c: the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is 2: something that exists 3: the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person 4: the most central and material part.

aspect. attribute. backbone. base. basis. be-all and end-all. being.bottom line. caliber. character. core. crux. element. essentia. essentiality. fiber. fundamentals. grain. kernel. lifeblood. marrow. meaning. meat. nature. nitty-gritty. nub. nucleus. pith. point. principle. quality. quiddity. quintessence. reality. root. soul. spirit. structure. substance. texture

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Really looking forward to this beautiful movie...seems so maddenly romantic and lovely...

Right. Up. My. Alley.


Vulnerable...that is the word to describe me tonight. I'm not even sure all the reasons, but I just feel and able to be hurt...

So, I come to my home and exhale and revel in the embrace of my little cottage. Just breathe and go slow and let everything get set back to "good".

(p.s. countdown still continues - 48 hours until CT)

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Countown Has Begun...

Five days until I see these unique (and delicious) men in concert! Anybody going to the Atlanta show this Saturday? If so, I may see you there!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Food

I love this place. It's cozy and bustling and familiar - no matter where in the USA you find yourself, the Cracker Barrell's are pretty reliably similar.

I've eaten at CB's in New Hampshire, Idaho, Texas, Florida, and everywhere in between.

I heart Cracker Barrell.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

True Marriage

I found this today - and it intrigues me a bit...on this journey of mine...

"Ladies and gentlemen, why do we marry? In a word, it is so that we may resemble God's image. As One Entity who exists with dual characteristics, God is a unified being in which opposites dwell in union. Because men and women are projections of God's divine characteristics, their destiny is to form a union as one body, become as one seed, and return to oneness with God's original character.

Let us give highest praise to the sanctity of marriage. Married life is the way for a man and a woman to love. Whom do we resemble when we become one through married life? Our goal is to resemble God. It is only when a man and a woman become one that they truly resemble God, who created them in His image. It is then, and only then, that God resides in them. A man symbolizes heaven and a woman symbolizes earth. So it is necessary for a man and woman to come together in harmony to bring about peace. The phrase, "the union of virtue in heaven and earth," refers to a state in which a husband and wife have accomplished perfect unity centering on Heaven's true love." (

Emphasis added by True Girl.

Then view this video:

I am agreeing with and for True Marriage on this earth. I stand as a link in the chain...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who knew?

I didn't know. I did not know how wonderful cobblers are. Not the kind you eat. The kind that repair my favorite shoes! Good as new. Better than new.

Today, I feel...

...kind of vulnerable and strangely askew. I attribute it to taking my car to the mechanic because the brakes squeal sometimes and there's a rattling thing going on...the estimate is quite high, and while I have taken care of cars and that sort of thing for a while now, I am tempted today to pout and wish I didn't have to worry about such things. I don't want to make this decision. I wish there was someone else (husband on this earth) who could just 'handle' it. O.k., I guess I am pouting.
It sounds silly to me seeing it written out.

I feel tired.

I don't want to do it by myself anymore.

I just don't.

I'd like to be a bit more positive, but tonight, I think I will just let myself feel it. I feel tired. I feel lonely. I feel alone.

I long for my little "bird" to join me in my nest.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm feeling a bubbling up sweet champagne. I just want to savor the swelling up, the organic knowing that good things are following me, and will greet me at the door, and dwell in my being. Dreams come true, blessing, la dulce vita!

I feel very strongly tonight that there are many, many good things for us! What's good in your world tonight? What would you like to have come into your world tonight?

I stand in this place and agree for us all that good things are here, good things are coming, good things follow us. I bless the place where you are and say that I see you tonight. Bless every place in you now.

Much love,
True Girl

Monday, October 13, 2008

Christopher Columbus

View from Georgia's world.

Today was a holiday for me - Columbus Day. Christopher and I had a great day!

I have been marinating a bit over the long weekend, getting back in the saddle at home, cleaning bathrooms, mowing grass, just taking care of business. I love the hum-drum of everyday life. I also love adventure and risk and wild moments. Today, though, I enjoyed the ordinariness of the day.

I've been walking a lot the past few days - long walks, and it feels really good.

I am submitting a few pieces of artwork to my mom's school for a fundraiser in a month. I am interested to see if they sell, and for what price. Kind of a "safe" way to put my artwork out there and judge the market so to speak. I am enthusiastic about it and hope it goes well.

Well, I need to wrap up the day and prepare for work tomorrow.

From my world, I will just say that "All is well."

It feels good for things to be Well.

For you tonight, May All Be Well.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pier 1?

Hmmm. Well, a visit to Pier 1 Imports in Naples, FL was very interesting and affirming. Who knew? Details will remain with me, but I wanted to post a picture to remind myself that even when I'm not feeling attractive or in the mood to flirt or be noticed, there may be someone who becomes quite smitten with me. How about that? At Pier 1 in Naples.

Thanks for the little nudge. Thank you for expressing through people on this earth how smitten you are with me. Goes both ways, Lover of My Soul. Goes both ways.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies... the Doubletree Hotel are Out. Of. This. World. I mean, really.
It's a good thing I'm going home tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


In Miami this morning and about to have my first meeting in my new position at work. I am grateful and looking forward to it.

Traveling for work can be so interesting. It's mostly good, especially with my current boss. We get along pretty well.

Anyway, I'm here, I'm alive...just busy with stuff.

Blessings to you today in every way. May you have a smile in your heart and see a dream of yours come true.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This Girl... my sweet companion. She loves to fetch, chase birds, bark at cars, hide bones in my sofa cushions, ride in the car, eat her dinner, run in the back yard, chew rawhide sticks, visit Nana and curl up with her Mama.

I. Love. Her!

Friday, October 3, 2008


My creation, originally uploaded by ahopeyoung.

rhymes with Royalty.

How about that?


Waiting for the conference to wrap up at noon and then I am heading home! What a delicious four-letter word.

I love driving up and seeing flowers and a warm sunshine.

What do you love about your home?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Birch Trees

Click for larger view
Birch Trees, originally uploaded by americanadian_8.

Isn't this beautiful? I want to go there!!


In a lot of places, autumn is showing its brilliant colors and tastes and smells. It's still a few weeks away for us in north Florida...and I am longing for its gentle embrace. I love pumpkins and chilly nights and candy corn and fires in the fireplace and apples and brilliant orange. As we say good-bye to September, I joyfully post a picture to whisper to autumn - "I'm ready to get acquainted with you again this year...come, stay awhile with me."

What's your favorite thing about the fall?

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm off...

to Orlando for a few days of work. I'm not wild about traveling for work...because I love my home too much. I do enjoy traveling for pleasure - exploring and wandering and discovering...

But, it's just part of the, it's off to bed I go - then onto the great Orlando!

Good night...