thank you for my family.
for my mama.
for my brothers.
for my nephews.
for my sisters-in-law.
for my dad.
for my grandparents.
for my aunt and uncle.
for my cousins and their children.
for my friends that are like family.
i say lately that i have a small tribe.
it's kind of true.
but only in that they're not all with me in florida.
i really have a big tribe.
thank you.
thank you for my home.
for the small cozy size of it.
for the sweet colors and texture and warmth of it.
that it shelters me and georgia blue.
for the flowers and plants i love to tend.
that it's close to my mama's home.
thank you.
thank you for friends to share moments with.
for friends to visit - and who visit me.
for friends to send baby gifts to.
for friends to laugh with and reconnect with.
for friends yet discovered.
thank you.
thank you for fun.
for beautiful music.
for movies.
for books to read.
for games to play.
for leisure time.
thank you.
(what a luxury.)
thank you for dreams.
for visions and hopes and anticipation.
for planned trips and experiences.
for a wedding at goodwood plantation.
for babies to be born.
for living the reason you were born to be alive.
thank you.
thank you for material and financial blessing.
i am so blessed.
i have more than enough.
always have.
always will.
thank you.
thank you for you.
for your love.
for your goodness.
for your being.
for your breathing life into me every day.
for deciding i still get to do this dance of life.
for being my companion - all the time.
for holding me and whispering good things to me.
thank you, my sweet God, Creator, Lover...
thank you.